Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Museum of Weird Creatures: The Chasers. Better watch out. These curious little underwater pests are attracted to any living creature that passes by. They will follow anything that comes they're way. Better get moving, because they are fast. Their narrow little bodies can zip through any obstruction that comes their way.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eyeballs...They Come to Life!

So, remember that painting I did way back when...where he was surrounded by fish and all these different colored wisps. Well I didn't really like it and I felt like I needed to redo it somehow, and this idea just came to me and hit me over the head and I thought.."Well duh. Eyeball balloons with lazers...it's perfect." Plus it tells this story, like the eyeballs are supposed to be balloons, but because of the music and the atmosphere that a Muse Concert creates, the eyeballs just come to life. You like?